Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Yesterday when I got home there was something missing...something that I was especially fond of...Danny's facial hair - all of it. He is having a respirator fit test today and had to shave the goatee and side burns. He wouldn't let me make a picture of him and promises that now that all the hair is gone, he's in the process of growing it back. It isn't the change that I thought it would be, and I like him just fine without, but he says its coming right back. He doesn't like the feeling of shaving.

Work is going fine. I haven't done a whole lot this week so far. My supervisor was unexpectedly out of the office Monday and Tuesday, so there are a lot of things that I won't be able to do until today. Hopefully, she'll be able to get me set up with the appropriate modules on whichever computer I'm working on so I can start doing more of these things on my own. So far everyone has been very friendly and really does seem to be a great environment to work in. Not that it pays in U.S. dollars and that was my requirement for a job. Hopefully I'll have more details on work later this week.

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