Saturday, May 17, 2008


It has been a long time coming, but by June 2, both Danny and I will be employed again. Unfortunately, mine is just part-time, but that is the way to get into the hospital system. So far, all of the full-time positions I have applied for have been filled internally, so to have a shot, I have to be "internal" which I will be on May 26, my official start date. I actually have 2 part-time jobs, hoping that I can get close to 40 hours a week between the 2, but we will have to see what happens. I'm just happy to be in...after my 90 probationary period I can apply for all the jobs I want as an employee requesting a transfer.


I got the pictures of Danny and I graduating in the mail this we are getting our sheepskin...covers. No, they do not actually hand out diplomas at graduation, just the pretty leather covers for them. The diplomas will be mailed out. (The reason for the delay is that grades didn't have to be in until Friday at 9:00 a.m., just 25 hours before graduation, so they didn't have time to print them after they found out who did and didn't make it.)

I also have a picture of the awards program where I received the Outstanding Administrative Office Technology Student Award.

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